Welcome to the first edition of The Veg Letters. This all about the printable, though I will put in image versions of the pages, too. Today’s Veg Letter is all about courgettes.
And here is where the paywall will normally go, but for July, you get to see it, and download and print it, for free.
Download the printable version …
We’re almost at the end of July. There’s still one more Wednesday to come though - July is a five-Wednesday month.
If you want to keep following along with my healthier and more plant-based eating journey, then do consider subscribing.
And if you want to get printable illustrated recipes (second Wednesday of the month) and printable Veg Letters (fourth Wednesday of the month), then choose a paid subscription.
There’s a special offer on until the end of August. 50% off and set your subscription rate forever.
See you next week and Bon Appetit!